In April 1980, in the Crown Heights section ofBrooklyn, a young man is arrested on suspicion of murder. While the general topic of 'justice' is interesting enough, it's theindividual personal stories of justice denied that add such power,immediacy and emotion. Writer/Director Matt Ruskin has adapted this mostrecent based-on-a-true-story docudrama from a podcast episode of 'ThisAmerican Life'. Some of the best include: HBO's 'The NightOf', Ana DuVernay's documentary 13TH, and Jamie Meltzer's documentaryTRUE CONVICTION. Numerous recent projects have focused on a legal and justice systemthat sometimes seems broken.

What couldmake such nightmares even worse? How about serving 21 years for a crimeyou didn't commit, with about 4 years of that in solitary confinement. Being wrongly convicted would be the worstpossible nightmare.

Being wrongly accused of a horriblecrime would be a nightmare.