The Copyright Office has determined that “typeface as typeface” is not subject to copyright, and it will not accept applications for registration of copyright in a typeface as such. 1, a freeware font inspired by the Harry Potter books! Is Lumos font free? Thanks for checking out Lumos v. How do you get the Harry Potter font on Word? What font size is Harry Potter? What size font is Harry Potter written in? The Sorcerer’s Stone was set in 12 point Garamond, while the new one was set in 11.5 point Garamond. Mimicking the HP movie post font incredibly well, Parry Hotter has a lot going for it. Simply so, What font is most like Harry Potter in Word? Maybe the most traditional of the Harry Potter fonts on our list, Parry Hotter is released as shareware for everyone’s enjoyment. Change the font option in your programs and navigate to the font you downloaded.Download your font of choice from one of the sources above.Type ‘fonts’ into the Cortana/Windows Search bar and hit Enter.How do I get Harry Potter font? How to install your Harry Potter fonts Browse from your desktop within this menu until you find the font file. Under the File menu, select “Install New Font“.

After the file has been extracted, open up your Control Panel and double click on “Fonts”.

How do you get the Harry Potter font on Word?.